Your lead generation efforts are on auto-pilot and high quality leads are flowing in consistently 24-7. Putting a comprehensive lead-gen program in place can be costly so it’s absolutely critical to reply to those leads immediately to get the most return on your lead-gen investment.
Initial response time is by far the most important step in closing real-time leads, so telling you that you need to contact a lead within the first 5-10 minutes hopefully isn’t necessary. Get in the practice of responding to your leads immediately.
Calling, emailing, texting a real-time sales lead will not be enough though. It’s important to establish a good process and set up the necessary systems for giving you the best chance at successfully closing each lead. Accountability tools, such InfusionSoft, HubSpot, PipeDrive and others, can show you where you may be struggling in certain areas. With access to analytics, you can work to solve individual issues so that your will ultimately master this processes. In a perfect scenario, scripts, technology and a good system should all work together as a well-oiled lead-gen machine.
WarmProspect is a digital marketing agency specializing in paid search, local search marketing and digital presence solutions. We provide a simple solution that enables businesses to effectively manage your company’s profile information across 71+ local search websites like Yelp, Google, Foursquare, Bing, Merchantcircle and many others with discounts available for those with multiple business locations. Our solution also allows you to monitor your customer reviews and respond to them in real-time.